Every year I say the same thing – never again am I doing a big birthday party for my kids!
The trouble is I can’t help myself! This year Sophia turned 6 (gasp!) The good thing about this was that she had a very definite idea on what she wanted to do for her party, who she wanted to invite and what the cake was to look like.
I hold my hands up and admit that I could never ever make her a cake that resembled anything even close to this creation. So, I delegate.
This was the beautiful cake that she chose and it tasted just as good as it looks (trust me!)
The party involved 25 little girls being pampered from head to toe in an ultra girly pink room filled to the brim with frocks, make up, nail polish and pop music. Aside from the slightly overpowering smell of acetone, the girls spent the afternoon dancing, dressing up, giggling and comparing hair styles.
All in all they had a great time and plenty of cake was eaten!

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